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Academic Programs

Academic Programs

The FOM organizes several programs for undergraduate students during the year. Both campuses, Madrid and Toledo, offer undergraduate courses throughout the year in English and Spanish in Madrid and Toledo.

Students may study for the whole academic year (beginning in the Fall and ending in the Spring) but can also combine Spring with May or Summer courses. Students may consider combining programs in Madrid and Toledo.

Students interested in attending a FOM program as an off-campus program should contact Estrella Nicolás ([email protected]) for the Madrid campus and/or Yukiko Okazaki ([email protected]) for the Toledo campus.

Courses both in Spanish and English: Art History, Business in Spain, Spanish Culture, Globalization & Media, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Financial Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sensation and Perception, Cross Cultural Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Health Psychology, Biological Psychology, Neuroscience, Spanish Language and Literature, and World Religions. Other subjects can be taught following the approval of the corresponding universities.

Several courses are focused in Research Laboratory in Psychology and Neurociences & Internships in companies and institutions. Art History course takes place at the museums once a week.

All students have the opportunity to attend to several cultural visits at outstanding places.

The FOM organizes:
– Semester Programs. The Fall semester goes from September until mid-December. The Spring semester starts in January and goes on until the end of April or Mid-May.

– Summer Intensive programs. The Fundación offers a wide range of courses also in the Summer, from Art History, Political Science, Spanish Language, Culture and Literature, Cinema to Psychology. The Internship courses are also taught during Summer.

– Short Term Programs. Students can take advantage of an intensive immersion in Spanish language and culture.

Students interested in attending a FOM program as an off-campus program should contact Estrella Nicolás ([email protected]) for the Madrid campus

Courses in Spanish and English: Spanish Language (intermediate and advanced levels), Spanish Culture, Politics, History, Anthropology, Arts, Philosophy and Religion, Spanish and Latin American Literature, Cinema, Economics and Marketing, Community Engagement, Service-Learning and Internship courses.

Also, a Cross-Cultural Health Track is available in both languages: Medical Spanish, Comparative Public Health, Diversity and Global Health, Global Bioethics, and Healthcare Marketing and Communication.

Other subjects can be taught following the approval of the corresponding universities. Students take advantage of living in a small but open community to participate in different voluntary or credit-granting activities. It is perfect for linguistic and cultural immersion opportunities. All students have a chance to attend several cultural visits to outstanding places.

The FOM Toledo Campus organizes:

Semester Programs. The Fall semester runs from September until mid-December. The Spring semester starts in January and continues until the end of April or mid-May.
Summer Intensive programs. 6 weeks, from mid-June until the end of July.
Short-Term Programs. Students can take advantage of an intensive immersion in Spanish culture to study different interesting topics, such as Three Cultures in Spain (Christian, Jewish, and Muslim).

Students interested in attending a FOM program as an off-campus program should contact Yukiko Okazaki ([email protected]) for the Toledo campus.

The Fundación is highly qualified to help universities create faculty-led & custom programs with the support of our specialized and experienced staff in Madrid and Toledo.

The Fundación has extensive experience organizing online programs for international students. In summer and Fall 2020, a virtual internship program was organized to enhance students’ international experience. A variety of internship areas are available.

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